Build a quick email template code

Build a quick email template by using below codes. Just change the suject, logo and site URL $to= “”; $subject = “Inquiry”; $msg =”<html><head><title>”.$subject.”</title></head><body style=’padding:50px 0px;background-color:#00688f;’>”; $msg .= “<div style=’padding:10px;max-width:500px;border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px;background-color:#ddd;border:solid thin #ccc;margin:0px auto;overflow:auto;’><img src=’”.HTTPS_SERVER.”image/catalog/logo.png’ style=’height:50px;width:auto;float:right;’ /></div>”; $msg .=”<div style=’padding:20px 10px;max-width:500px;border:solid thin #ccc;margin:0px auto;background-color:#fff;’>”; $msg .=”Yoiur message goes here”; $msg .=”</div>”; $msg …

How to access permission to your newly added controller files in opencart

Access permission to your newly added controller files in opencart from few steps. Opencart dosn’t allows access to newly added files even if you have these read and modify permission. You have to give permission from the open cart admin panel to access and modify any controller. all permission is attached to the group. So …