Angular animated counter for widgets and numbers

Basic Angular animated counter for widgets and numbers with a start and end.

Working demo link below on stackblitz:

This is an array of counters so many can be used once.

  counters = [
      limit: 10000000,
      count: 2000,
      speed: 200000,
      limit: 50000,
      count: 1000,
      speed: 20000,
      limit: 250000,
      count: 256,
      speed: 20000,
      limit: 15000,
      count: 1000,
      speed: 10000,

Creating a method for each counter incremented based on start and final ratio. It will stop once counter hit the maximum limit of that particular counter.

  updateCount = () => {
    this.counters.forEach((counter) => {
      const target = +counter.limit;
      const count = +counter.count;
      const speed = counter.speed;
      const inc = target / speed;
      if (count < target) {
        counter.count = count + inc;
        setTimeout(this.updateCount, 100);
      } else {
        counter.count = target;

Start this method with component ngOnInit()

  ngOnInit(): void {
    setTimeout(() => {
      // delay animation for 3 seconds
    }, 3000);

Use the counters variable in angular HTML. I am using number pipe for comma separated numbers.

<h3 class="count-number">{{ counters[0]['count'] | number }}+</h3>