Woocommerce template override from theme folder

Wocommerce provide template override from theme folder to secure the customized theme layout. In case if you update the plugin your all default woo-commerce folder may get updated and you will lost all the customization within those files. You better dont want to mess up with your woocommerce theme layout i n future. So there is an opton to choose template overriding from theme directory.

Simply you have to go to the woocommerce directory


Copy above template folder and on your current theme directory. I will prefer zipped version to move over there.

Now Rename this ‘template’ folder with ‘woocommerce’.

That’s It. Woocommerce will automatically pick the default files from this ‘woocommerce’ folder Now.

Now go to the admin panel of wordpress->woocommerce->system status

Scroll down to show the templates which has been override.

WooCommerce Status

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