Install and run the web app on your front-end VM
Enter these commands to install the todo web application. You can use the keyboard to copy and paste each command line. Click Done when you finished entering all the commands to close the SSH window.
Update packages and install git, Node.js and npm. When asked if you want to continue, type ‘Y’.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git nodejs npm
Clone the sample application and install application dependencies.
git clone
cd todomvc-mongodb; npm install
Start the todo web application. Note: The IP addresses below are internal IPs for communication between servers. You can find these IP addresses on each server’s details page.
nohup nodejs server.js –be_ip –fe_ip &
backend internal IP is
front end internal ip is
After you enter the final command, click Done and then confirm that you want to leave the page to close the SSH browser window.